Peter Sanders was born in London in 1946. His professional career in photography began during the mid-sixties where he photographed most of the major stars in the music business including Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Who, the Rolling Stones etc.. Covering many of the concerts as well as producing material for album sleeves and publicity.
After 1971 Peter’s career took a different direction as the desire to travel took over. Starting off in India, Morocco, the Middle East and further, he photographed areas often never seen before.
Towards the end of the 1970’s, Sanders’ attention turned inward which set him on a spiritual search to India and then eventually to the Muslim world where the spiritual beauty of Islam left an indelible impression upon him. After his return to England, he embraced Islam and was given the name Abd al-Adheem. He was one of the very first Europeans to take photographs of Mekka and Medina. To get permission proved to be quite a bureaucratic task.
He continues to travel as well as producing books, exhibiting his work and offering workshops on an international level.